Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton, Full Moon Solutions/Rotoworld.com


Rick Wolf  owns and operates Full Moon Sports Solutions (http://www.fullmoonws.com), a Sports Media company advising companies small and large.  Full Moon is best known for leading Strategic Partnerships for Allstar Stats until it was acquired by NBC Universal in August of 2006. From then until the Fall of 2011, Wolf led Business Development for NBC Sports Digital while it rose from 28th to 6th on the Comscore Sports List.

In 1995, Wolf was the 13th employee at SportsLine USA, later to become CBS Sports Digital.  Wolf fought for and conceptualized the idea of League Manager, Salary Cap Games and Advance Scout (Draft Guide plus In-Season Tools).   Wolf created the partnership with Commissioner.com to change the landscape of fantasy sports. Before 1995, Wolf was on the development team at PRODIGY that built the first online Fantasy Baseball game.
Wolf has been a Fantasy Sports advocate for more than two decades.  As Chairman of the Fantasy Sports Trade Association from 2002-2006, with Greg Ambrosius, he led the industry through the battle over the rights to players’ statistics in fantasy games fought to successful conclusion by CDM Sports.  As Chairman of the Fantasy Sports Association, Wolf kept fantasy sports in the mainstream among sports media companies by sponsoring and advising SBJ at the FSA Sports Media & Technology Summit from 2007 through 2010.
Most importantly, Wolf is a Fantasy Sports player. Wolf and college friend Glenn Colton have won three USA Today LABR American League titles and three FSTA Fantasy Football titles. Wolf and Colton have also competed in Tout Wars AL since 2007 and are still fighting for their first victory.  Like the Dodgers used to say, “This will be the year…”

coltonGlenn Colton  co-hosts “Colton and the Wolfman” on SirisusXM Fantasy Sports Radio (Sirius 210 XM 87) Tuesdays from 8-11pm ET. Glenn has been playing in fantasy sports leagues since 1988 when a group of law school classmates gathered in a classroom to pick their inaugural teams. In his full-time profession, Glenn is the head of the White Collar and Government Investigations practice at SNR Denton in New York. Earlier in his legal career, he spent 10 years as a federal prosecutor in New York. Glenn’s legal and fantasy sports careers intersected when he represented the Fantasy Sports Trade Association in the battle over the right to use player names in fantasy sports games. The result was a huge victory for the fantasy sports industry in what was, in essence, a bet the industry case. Glenn has been successful on the fantasy sports battlefield as well. He and partner Rick Wolf have won three LABR fantasy baseball expert league titles. The tandem also has four FSTA fantasy football expert league titles to their credit.

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