Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of July 8

Here are the results of this week’s FAB bidding. Remember, if you want to check out the standings, rosters and full transactions for particular league, just click in the section heading.

American League

AMartinez, Cle Patrick Davitt 169
KHiura, LAA Eric Samulski 101
MWallner, Min Doug Dennis 73
BHarris, Oak Rob Leibowitz 44
JOrnelas, Tex Eric Samulski 25
JEstes, Oak Chris Blessing 23
AChafin, Det Jason Collette 19
CVazquez, Min Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 14
LWeaver, NYY Andy Andres 11
DDaniel, LAA Jeff Erickson 7
KMontero, Det Chris Blessing 7
JWebb, Bal Rob Leibowitz 2
LGarcia, LAA Patrick Davitt 2
SWhitcomb, Hou Eric Samulski 2
CMcDermott, Bal Eric Samulski 2
KFarmer, Min Andy Andres 2
LGuillorme, LAA Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 2
JAlcala, Min Eric Samulski 1
GSpeier, Sea Doug Dennis 0

National League

ACivale, Mil Derek Carty 155
JYepez, Was Ian Kahn 108
XEdwards, Mia Ian Kahn 67
DMyers, Mia Ian Kahn 33
QPriester, Pit Peter Kreutzer 23
SSchwellenbach, Atl Erik Halterman 23
JBeeks, Col Brian Walton 22
JGallo, Was Wilderman/Prior 18
TFitzgerald, SF Peter Kreutzer 15
AMonasterio, Mil Derek Carty 11
DFloro, Was Grey Albright 3
DPeralta, SD Peter Kreutzer 3
RVasquez, SD Brendan Tuma 2
GHolmes, Atl Brian Walton 2
ASanchez, Mia Wilderman/Prior 1
MAmaya, ChC Rick Graham 1
RGarcia, Was Brendan Tuma 1
TLipscomb, Was Wilderman/Prior 1
JMerryweather, ChC Rick Graham 1

Mixed Auction

PMeadows, Det Dave Adler 95
MWallner, Min Brent Hershey 87
BLee, Min Dave Adler 85
YaRodriguez, Tor Doug Anderson – Mike Carter 36
GMitchell, Mil Tristan Cockcroft 35
RTellez, Pit Kev Mahserejian 35
APuk, Mia Scott Swanay 30
APallante, StL Scott Chu 17
BHudson, Mil Todd Zola 13
ESuarez, Ari Frank Stampfl 12
MMercado, Phi Jeff Zimmerman 12
JSingleton, Hou Scott Chu 11
MVargas, LAD Kev Mahserejian 11
LSosa, CWS Doug Anderson – Mike Carter 11
HRenfroe, KC Doug Anderson – Mike Carter 7
JWinckowski, Bos Doug Anderson – Mike Carter 7
HBirdsong, SF Scott Engel 4
CKelly, Det Scott Chu 3
MSchuemann, Oak Scott Engel 3
KMontero, Det Kev Mahserejian 2
VVodnik, Col Kev Mahserejian 1

Mixed Draft

YDiaz, Ari Mike Gianella 53
YGarcia, Tor Garion Thorne 52
PMeadows, Det D.J. Short 50
APallante, StL Anthony Aniano 35
JBeeks, Col Ray Murphy 27
JSuwinski, Pit Ray Murphy 27
TTaylor, NYM Ryan Bloomfield 27
JWinckowski, Bos Garion Thorne 21
JTrevino, NYY Garion Thorne 16
AVesia, LAD Shelly Verougstraete 15
IAnderson, Atl Dr. Roto 15
JSingleton, Hou Dr. Roto 14
JMcNeil, NYM Mike Gianella 12
MWallner, Min Shelly Verougstraete 12
RContreras, LAA Shelly Verougstraete 8
JRojas, Sea Shelly Verougstraete 8
LSosa, CWS Adam Ronis 6
JWilson, Oak Shelly Verougstraete 3
AWells, NYY Ray Murphy 2
VVodnik, Col Rudy Gamble 2
MVargas, LAD Scott White 0

Head to Head

SBaz, TB Greg Jewett 163
BLee, Min Ryan Hallam 81
BRice, NYY Lauren Auerbach 78
DHerz, Was Ryan Hallam 51
JSanchez, Mia Greg Jewett 45
MYoshida, Bos Greg Jewett 45
JQuintana, NYM Nick Pollack 41
HRenfroe, KC Michael Govier 32
CKeith, Det Sky Dombroske 26
FMontas, Cin Ariel Cohen 23
RTellez, Pit Greg Jewett 18
HBirdsong, SF Ryan Hallam 14
LOrtiz, Pit Michael Govier 12
LSosa, CWS Greg Jewett 9
DMyers, Mia Blake Meyer 8
MMercado, Phi Joe Gallina 3
ZNeto, LAA Joe Gallina 1

Mixed Draft with Alternate Categories

BLee, Min Matt Cederholm 178
AlSuarez, Bal Matt Trussell 41
LOrtiz, Phi Ray Flowers 39
JSingleton, Hou Ray Flowers 26
FFermin, KC Chris Towers 17
MVargas, LAD Chris Clegg 13
HBirdsong, SF Derek VanRiper 11
TTaylor, NYM John Laghezza 9
AKittredge, StL Zach Steinhorn 5
APuk, Mia Chris Clegg 5
DSolano, SD C.J. Kaltenbach 3
TFreeman, Cle Jeff Boggis 2
JMcNeil, NYM John Laghezza 2
CGreen, Tor Chris Towers 2
DDaniel, LAA Jeff Boggis 1
MDubon, Hou Chris Clegg 1

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of May 20 – 26

Here are the results of this week’s FAB bidding. Remember, if you want to check out the standings, rosters and full transactions for particular league, just click in the section heading.

American League

PMaton, TB Howard Bender 18
TyScott, Hou Howard Bender 18
CJulks, CWS Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 14
SArrighetti, Hou Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 14
DHamilton, Bos Jason Collette 13
KMuller, Oak Jeff Erickson 13
AZerpa, KC Howard Bender 9
ACimber, LAA Howard Bender 9
KStowers, Bal Rob Leibowitz 9
KKelly, TB Jason Collette 6
RRefsnyder, Bos Patrick Davitt 4
BBernardino, Bos Eric Samulski 1
AFaedo, Det Doug Dennis 0
THolton, Det Doug Dennis 0

National League

RWeathers, Mia Scott Pianowski 79
KClemens, Phi Brian Walton 66
TRogers, Mia Ian Kahn 31
MMastrobuoni, ChC Grey Albright 13
ZShort, Atl Wilderman/Prior 8
RFeltner, Col Derek Carty 8
EDeLosSantos, SD Wilderman/Prior 7
JStallings, Col Steve Gardner 6
LAllen, Ari Brian Walton 5
AMorejon, SD Phil Hertz 4
CCavalli, Was Peter Kreutzer 3
JMartinez, Ari Grey Albright 2
CQuantrill, Col Steve Gardner 2
LVazquez, ChC Rick Graham 2
AMonasterio, Mil Rick Graham 1
SFairchild, Cin Rick Graham 1
CCasali, SF Steve Gardner 0

Mixed Auction

SFrelick, Mil Brent Hershey 58
JBauers, Mil Dave Adler 46
AOttavino, NYM Scott Chu 37
HelRamos, SF Dave Adler 35
WBenson, Cin Scott Swanay 28
JMeyers, Hou Brent Hershey 24
MStroman, NYY Frank Stampfl 23
NGonzales, Pit Bret Sayre 23
DMoore, Sea Scott Chu 17
JHeyward, LAD Bret Sayre 14
LRaley, Sea Andy Behrens 12
SArrighetti, Hou Jeff Zimmerman 10
KIsbel, KC Doug Anderson – Mike Carter 7
WCalhoun, LAA Scott Engel 7
BSabol, SF Scott Chu 2
GCleavinger, TB Kev Mahserejian 1
ChMartin, Bos Andy Behrens 0

Mixed Draft

LMatos, SF Adam Ronis 48
JSuwinski, Pit Tim McLeod 43
HBader, NYM Tim McLeod 27
JMeyers, Hou Dr. Roto 26
MLorenzen, Tex Tim McLeod 22
ABurleson, StL Adam Ronis 22
JBeeks, Col Dr. Roto 16
YGarcia, Tor Tim McLeod 14
ERosario, Was Rudy Gamble 14
NGonzales, Pit Shelly Verougstraete 12
MVientos, NYM Anthony Aniano 10
DPeterson, NYM Dr. Roto 8
MVierling, Det Seth Trachtman 6
JHeyward, LAD Seth Trachtman 6
LRaley, Sea Rudy Gamble 3
MRojas, LAD Kyle Soppe 2
GLux, LAD Kyle Soppe 2
GSheets, CWS Kyle Soppe 2
JEstes, Oak Rudy Gamble 1
CKeith, Det Scott White 0

Head to Head

TMegill, NYM Ryan Hallam 22
LMatos, SF Michael Govier 52
NGorman, StL Ryan Hallam 49
JOrtiz, Mil Sky Dombroske 46
MChapman, SF Greg Jewett 45
CJavier, Hou Ariel Cohen 33
CQuantrill, Col Blake Meyer 23
BBuxton, Min Ryan Hallam 21
AMarsh, KC Lauren Auerbach 17
RWeathers, Mia Ariel Cohen 13
WBenson, Cin Ariel Cohen 13
ABurleson, StL Blake Meyer 12
WPerez, Det Lauren Auerbach 11
AVaughn, CWS Greg Jewett 11
KLee, CWS Joe Gallina 7
JRoss, Mil Michael Govier 4
MCanha, Det Frank Ammirante 1
DFry, Cle Lauren Auerbach 1

Mixed Draft with Alternate Categories

OCabrera, NYY Jeff Boggis 42
LMatos, SF Matt Cederholm 97
CQuantrill, Col Jeff Boggis 41
AGomber, Col Jeff Boggis 36
JRoss, Mil Ray Flowers 32
TFreeman, Cle Jeff Boggis 31
SFrelick, Mil Zach Steinhorn 28
MHaniger, Sea Matt Trussell 15
BAbreu, Hou Chris Clegg 15
LRaley, Sea John Laghezza 14
TFitzgerald, SF John Laghezza 12
JMeneses, Was Chris Clegg 2
TSoderStrom, Oak John Laghezza 1
DFry, Cle Matt Trussell 1

Tout Table: Post-deadline fallout

As is tradition immediately after the trade deadline, the Touts were asked:

What is an under-the-radar repercussion of the trade deadline shuffling that shouldn’t be overlooked?

Garion Thorne (DraftKings, @GarionThorne): Let us all celebrate the merciful end of hunting saves in the desert. With the Diamondbacks acquisition of Paul Sewald there is now an undisputed hierarchy in the backend of Arizona’s bullpen. Congratulations to those among us — myself included — who have continued to roster the likes of Andrew Chafin or Miguel Castro in hopes of vulturing a couple precious saves. Neither even had the decency to provide in other categories. Chafin’s 1.43 WHIP was a drain on your ratios, while Castro’s 20.0% strikeout rate sits in just the 27th percentile of pitchers. We are now free.

Eric Samulski (Rotoballer, @SamskiNYC): I think park factors can sometimes be overlooked. People look at lineup or rotation spots and gravitate towards players who are in a bigger role, and that’s valuable but we also need to keep an eye on the environment the players are moving from or too. For example, Jake Burger is moving from a park that ranked 6th for right-handed pull power and is going to a park that’s 28th for right-handed pull power. Considering Burger’s main value in fantasy is HRs, that could be a big deal. Also, we gloss over motivation. If a team sells off player and waives the white flag, you can often see older players on those teams have worse ends to the season. It’s a grind to get up and compete every day when you know your team is not a contender, especially when you’ve been in the league a while.

Brad Johnson (Patreon BaseballATeam, @BaseballATeam): From what I’ve observed in my dynasty leagues, the deadline serves as a bottleneck to trading. Folks start saying “hey, the deadline is coming. I think certain of my guys could really gain value. I better wait.” The bottleneck opens a little before the actual deadline – managers try to sell their Carlos Hernandez before the Scott Barlow trade in order to lock in *some* profit. In that case, Barlow was traded and Hernandez is worth more today than a week ago. I think we can all imagine the scenario where he was not traded and Hernandez becomes a cut. The bottleneck bursts open post-deadline when real teams give us information like “the Cardinals seemingly really like Saggese, I should grab him too.” A rival of mine traded for him just the other day. I doubt Saggese was anywhere on his radar before the deadline.

Justin Mason (Friends With Fantasy Benefits, @JustinMasonFWFB): Over the next couple of weeks we are going to begin to see a number of minor leaguers get the call up to fill vacancies that were made by trades. Kyle Manzardo and Masyn Winn should both debut mid-August.

Brian Walton (CreativeSports2, @B_Walton): Masyn Winn isn’t up right away, but the Cardinals SS prospect was the International League July Player of the Month. He should get at least the last month of the season to break in with St. Louis. With Brendan Donovan out, hitter at-bats are going to LHB Alec Burleson, who is starting to get into a groove. On the other hand, Dylan Carlson, who was not traded as many expected, has become a reserve.

CJ Kaltenbach (Fantasy Guru, @TheSeigeDFS): Cardinals are going to give veterans like Paul Goldschmidt and Nolan Arenado way more off-days than normal down the stretch which will make Alec Burleson a de-facto full time player. Other teams will certainly do similar but Burleson has more talent than most players getting the PT boost.

Nick Pollack (Pitcher List, @PitcherList): The Royals trading away Ryan Yarbrough opened the door for Cole Ragans to get regular starts for the Royals. He flashed 97/98 mph heaters earlier in the year as a starter and could flirt with that velocity with a solid cutter and changeup.

Vlad Sedler (FTN Fantasy, @rotogut): Jean Segura’s playing career. Traded away by the Marlins, cut by Guardians immediately. Feels like one of those traps in 50-round Draft-and-Holds next season, a la Nelson Cruz this season.

Derek Carty (RotoGrinders, @DerekCarty): In deeper AL/NL-only leagues, the focus is usually on the big names changing leagues. But the scrub players on their former teams who will step into bigger roles warrant consideration as well. In deeper leagues, the most valuable commodity is simple playing time. It may not be fun rostering someone like Gabriel Arias, who has started 7 of 8 games for Cleveland since Amed Rosario was dealt, but he’s going to have more value than a large number of players who are already rostered in leagues this size simply because he’s actually on the field. In Tout NL, I just added Rafael Ortega from the Mets. It’s not sexy, but he’s become a near-everyday player that would be worth $5 or so at auction who I acquired for 1% of my FAAB.

Scott White (CBS Fantasy Sports, @CBSScottWhite): Jonathan Aranda and Michael Busch are both 25 and, if the numbers are any indication, have clearly overstayed their welcome in the minors. Unfortunately, their parent clubs, both among the best in baseball, can’t seem to make room for them. My biggest hope going into the deadline was that they’d be cashed in as trade chips and immediately take over as starters for their new teams. It didn’t happen for either, and we all lose because of it.

Patrick Davitt (BaseballHQ, @patrickdavitt): I agree with those who say the effect is in PT, particularly understudies on lesser teams who step into FT roles when the leads go to new teams.

Mike Podhorzer (Fangraphs, @MikePodhorzer): While the focus is on the potential rest of season value changes of the players switching teams, there are also domino effects on the players in the organizations involved. Players sometimes get new or increased playing time opportunities, while others lose out or suffer reduce fantasy roles, like shifting into middle relief from the closer role.

Ryan Bloomfield (BaseballHQ, @RyanBHQ): The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Some really good streaming opportunities against teams that have sold and are just playing out the string (looking at you, Pirates, White Sox, Nationals, Mets, etc.)

Michael Govier (FTN Fantasy, @mjgovier): Defense matters in real-life baseball. We could care less in fantasy baseball, but don’t assume every new acquisition or call-up will be heir apparent going forward. Pitchers need defense now more than ever to close out playoff spots. Take the defensive profile of the players you’re looking to add into consideration not just individually, but within the context of the team defensive alignment. Boring for some, but definitely something to pay attention to.

Glenn Colton (SiriusXM, @GlennColton1): Luis Urias. Sent down but now called up. Yes, he was bad in MLB and AAA this year but 2b/ss/3b eligibility is super valuable and is just 26 coming off age 24-25 seasons in which he hit 39 HR in under 900 AB. Plus .179 BABIP will improve

Dave Adler (BaseballHQ, @daveadler01): Shohei Ohtani and the Angels. Even as a rental, two months of Ohtani would have brought tremendous prospect value to LAA, and allowed a rebuild. But how do you trade the second-coming of Babe Ruth? The off-season question will be whether Ohtani appreciates the effort to compete and re-signs…or if it’s not enough to keep him from signing elsewhere. If he leaves, LAA will likely be bad for a long time.

Sara Sanchez (, @BCB_Sara): I agree with everyone who said playing time and would just add that evaluating playing time across team context, i.e., how to compare the value of a player who is playing every day on a struggling team v. a guy who just lost playing time to a strong-side platoon situation on a better team. I find that it’s useful to use 14-day/30-day comparisons a lot at this time of year to get a better idea of counting stats over 75% of ABs v. 90% of ABs in a different situation because it can vary a lot by team context. Additionally, if you’re holding a guy who is newly part of a strong-side platoon, making sure you check that with schedules week-by-week is important.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis): Playing time is the key metric here. The decision for Shohei Ohtani to remain with the Angels for the remainder of the season. I think they will resign him in the off season. There are a handful of key prospects who can help teams in the second half that I would love to see get called up and that can help fantasy baseball teams during the home stretch. Some of those names on my radar include Michael Busch (2B LAD), Brandon Pfaadt (P ARI), and Matt Wallner (OF MIN).

Chris Blessing (BaseballHQ, @C_Blessing): There’s always a call up or two, August 15th or later, we’re all surprised about. Do we dare say it’s Jackson Chourio? If he keeps hitting the way he has since the All-Star break, the Brewers would be fools not to trot him out in CF over Sal Frelick in this Pennett Race. Last time we saw a 19-year-old in a similar spot it was Juan Soto.

Doug Dennis (BaseballHQ, @dougdennis41): There are always injuries and moves by teams after the deadline. Make sure you leave yourself some ability to fill your stretch-run gaps or to take advantage of those roster changes, if you can.

Tim McCullough (Fantasy Six Pack, @TimsTenz): Not sure this is really under the radar, but I think the trade deadline was a real dud this year because there were so many teams that were neither sellers nor buyers. The expansion of the playoffs, and therefore more teams with a theoretical shot at postseason play, means more teams will stand pat or make fewer trades. Very few top players will be traded at the deadline unless they are due to be free agents at the end of the season, and even then, the return haul on the top players will be smaller because teams are less willing to pay top dollar for a rental that may or may not pan out for them. Even the relief pitching market will shrink because teams will want to hang onto their high leverage and high-quality relievers – something they already need to do since starting pitchers are not pitching deep into games. The lack of player movement in MLB will spill over into fantasy leagues and we’ll likely see fewer fantasy trades around the deadline. The next thing we’ll likely see is the trade deadline being moved later into the season – perhaps mid-August or even later – to give teams more time to see whether their playoff odds are improving or dwindling. If the league doesn’t do this then the trade deadline will continue to see fewer trades overall, fewer blockbusters, and fewer top players moved. Fantasy leagues will follow suit.

Shelly Verougstraete (NBC Sports EDGE Baseball, @ShellyV_643): Keep an eye on minor league players that could be called up a-la Corbin Carroll style. Masyn Winn and Connor Phillips are two that come to mind. If the Brewers and Orioles really want to spice things up down the stretch, the two Jacksons (Chourio and Holliday) could make an appearance.

Clay Link (Rotowire, @claywlink): I think it’s important to remember that these are human beings being completely uprooted, having to adapt to life changes outside of baseball while trying to fit into a new clubhouse. This can be tough on the psyche. “Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical,” as Yogi Berra said. Sometimes the pressures can mount and exacerbate struggles in a new situation.

Anthony Aniano (Rotoballer, @AAnianoFantasy): One notice of mine were the amount of teams that essentially did nothing, Yankees come to mind, and will spend the rest of the year in baseball purgatory. Not good enough to win, not bad enough to lose. Its an odd strategy that limited trade deadline excitement.

Ian Kahn (, @IanKahn4): It’s the spots that open up with the trades. The Jakee Alus of the world, who are getting their shots. It really is a fun time, because the teams that are out of it are looking for guys that might work in 2024. When everyone is in Fantasy Football mode, the field is open for pickups that will help you in 2024 and beyond in Dynasty and Keeper Leagues.

Carlos Marcano (Triple Play Fantasy, @camarcano): Playing time, it’s all about it. As an example, Michael Lorenzen has been a gift from heaven for a bunch of teams with struggling aces. He was with an underwhelming Tigers team that limited his W opportunities so him moving to a contender was going to be awesome, right? Well, he landed on the Phillies and is now part of a six man rotation. This kind of things while not too flashy can add on in detriment of your chances. It’s hard to anticipate all the possibilities so sometimes you can only react and wait for the best.

Chris Clegg (Pitcher List, @RotoClegg): Trades always have some sort of fall out for both teams involved. There will be players who lose playing time, but also those who gain playing time. It is important to monitor the trends closely for all teams and see who is gaining and losing playing time. Late season callups will also happen. With the amount of callups that have happened this year, it may not feel like there are many prospects left that could get the call, but I would save a little FAAB because we just might see a top prospect get call this month.

Greg Jewett (The Athletic, @gjewett9): Teams filling innings for the remainder of the season. With injuries compiling for many teams, multiple-inning relievers or win vultures may be very savvy plays for the rest-of-the-season. No pitcher has ever won 10 games while accruing less than 60 innings and two sit on the precipice of this feat. Mike Baumann (BAL) 9 wins over 54.1 innings and Colin Poche (TBR) 9 wins through 40.1 innings. San Francisco has two pitchers in a rotation then “bulk relievers” like Tristan Beck filling in. Streaming them in deeper formats may be an effective streaming strategy over the last seven weeks of the season, especially in head-to-head leagues.

Michael A. Stein (Fantasy Judgment, @FantasyJudgment): Looking for opportunities given to players on teams that sold off at the trade deadline. When players are traded away from teams out of contention, it is very likely that someone available on the waiver wire is going to suddenly start seeing everyday at bats. It just lends to more opportunities for free agents which is helpful when making waiver wire acquisitions. At this time of the season, it is very rare to find a hidden gem in the middle of the waiver wire.

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of August 7

Welcome to Part 2 of an extended trade deadline. Things were busier this period, with all of the winning bids below.

Remember, you can see the standings, rosters and all the moves for each league by clicking on the jump link magically inserted under each league header.

American League

Player Team Bid
JVerlander, Hou Joe Sheehan 768
JFlaherty, Bal Jeff Erickson 442
RGrichuk, LAA Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 392
CCron, LAA Jeff Erickson 285
PDeJong, Tor Doug Dennis 158
LUrias, Bos Larry Schechter 135
DSchneider, Tor Andy Andres 111
CRagans, KC Andy Andres 81
DCanzone, Sea Chris Blessing 59
CSilseth, LAA Eric Samulski 53
JRojas, Sea Chris Blessing 49
BBrieske, Det Andy Andres 41
JScholtens, CWS Chris Blessing 23
PReyes, Bos Jason Collette 10
JFoley, Det Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 9
XCurry, Cle Jason Collette 5
CWallach, LAA Larry Schechter 2
TraThompson, CWS Jason Collette 2
ACox, KC Eric Samulski 1
ABummer, CWS Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 1
KCalhoun, Cle Rob Leibowitz 0
JTopa, Sea Doug Dennis 0
TKahnle, NYY Doug Dennis 0
JayJackson, Tor Doug Dennis 0
CStratton, Tex Chris Blessing 0

National League

Player Team Bid
PSewald, Ari Derek Carty 518
JBell, Mia Steve Gardner 473
JBurger, Mia Brian Walton 470
MLorenzen, Phi Erik Halterman 411
JPeterson, Ari Tristan H. Cockcroft 275
JAlu, Was Phil Hertz 97
APollock, SF Tristan H. Cockcroft 95
RYarbrough, LAD Phil Hertz 68
DStewart, NYM Todd Zola 47
MWinn, StL Todd Zola 37
ATrejo, Col Peter Kreutzer 33
IVargas, Was Peter Kreutzer 33
BFalter, Pit Erik Halterman 32
YChirinos, Atl Ian Kahn 16
ROrtega, NYM Derek Carty 12
MLeiter, ChC Peter Kreutzer 12
MFulmer, ChC Peter Kreutzer 12
SBarlow, SD Brian Walton 12
GSoto, Phi Grey Albright 12
AWilliams, Pit Brian Walton 11
NFortes, Mia Tristan H. Cockcroft 2
SCecconi, Ari Rick Graham 2
TMegill, NYM Tristan H. Cockcroft 1
LRichardson, Cin Rick Graham 1
NLopez, Atl Ian Kahn 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
RYarbrough, LAD Bret Sayre 68
SDominguez, Phi Scott Swanay 45
CMead, TB Justin Mason 45
MVientos, NYM Scott Swanay 37
BRaley, NYM Zach Steinhorn 32
CRagans, KC Justin Mason 27
YChirinos, Atl Justin Mason 27
ZLittell, TB Brent Hershey 19
JDiaz, Oak Brent Hershey 8
AHouser, Mil Jeff Zimmerman 8
DPeterson, NYM Brent Hershey 4
AWilliams, Pit Scott Engel 3
IKinerFalefa, NYY Scott Engel 3
NSenzel, Cin Kev Mahserejian 1

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
LRichardson, Cin Mike Gianella 150
BRodgers, Col D.J. Short 90
CHernandez, KC D.J. Short 90
DSchneider, Tor Tim McLeod 79
STaylor, KC Seth Trachtman 55
TToussaint, CWS Mike Gianella 53
HRamirez, TB Mike Gianella 36
LMedina, Oak Mike Gianella 35
MMassey, KC Anthony Perri 22
BTurang, Mil Anthony Perri 22
MTauchman, ChC Adam Ronis 22
CRagans, KC Tim McLeod 21
ZLittell, TB Shelly Verougstraete 15
CMead, TB Adam Ronis 12
FFermin, KC Adam Ronis 8
JRojas, Phi Dr, Roto 6
HKjerstad, Bal Dr, Roto 6
MCanha, Mil Ryan Bloomfield 4
JDiaz, Oak AJ Mass 1
MBrash, Sea Scott White 1

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
CRagans, KC Sky Dombroske 155
DSchneider, Tor Ryan Hallam 76
AMunoz, Sea Greg Jewett 45
JBauers, NYY Lauren Auerbach 34
CMead, TB Frank Ammirante 27
YChirinos, Atl Lauren Auerbach 24
LWade, SF Michael Govier 21
MTauchman, ChC Sky Dombroske 18
XCurry, Cle Joe Gallina 17
RLopez, LAA Sky Dombroske 14
WSmith, Tex Michael Govier 14
DKeuchel, Min Joe Gallina 13
DHudson, StL Ariel Cohen 13
ERosario, Atl Ariel Cohen 11
JWentz, Det Michael Govier 9
AHouser, Mil Ariel Cohen 9
MMassey, KC Sky Dombroske 8
WBenson, Cin Frank Ammirante 3
LAllen, Cle Frank Stampfl 3
TToussaint, CWS Joe Gallina 2

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
CSilseth, LAA Chris Clegg 78
JCandelario, ChC Sara Sanchez 76
DSchneider, Tor Jennifer Piacenti 56
CRagans, KC Jennifer Piacenti 31
AHeaney, Tex Chris Clegg 16
LWade, SF Sara Sanchez 12
ABurleson, StL Sara Sanchez 4
LMedina, Oak Brian Entrekin 4
CSanchez, Phi John Laghezza 4
JBauers, NYY John Laghezza 3
LUrias, Bos John Laghezza 3
ROHearn, Bal John Laghezza 3
ZLittell, TB Brian Entrekin 2
MBrash, Sea Andy Behrens 1
YChirinos, Atl Dylan White 1
MGarver, Tex Matt Trussell 1
JCronenworth, SD Dylan White 0

Tout Wars Trade Deadline Chat

Some of the Touts will be hanging out in a Zoom room from 4 PM ET – 7 PM ET, discussing all of the trade deadline deals. Please join us.

Touts include Todd Zola, Peter Kreutzer, Brian Walton, Michael Govier, Mike Gianella, Sara Sanchez, Eric Samulski, Ray Murphy, Justin Mason, Anthony Aniano and more!

Ask questions, chime in, just lurk — whatever!

Meeting ID: 822 0714 8155

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of July 24

The Head-to-Head league takes the spotlight this week with matchups to make the playoffs running thin.

Remember, you can see the standings, rosters and all the moves for each league by clicking on the jump link magically inserted under each league header.

American League

Player Team Bid
CSilseth, LAA Larry Schechter 118
DFry, Cle Jeff Erickson 53
LMedina, Oak Eric Samulski 37
MWallner, Min Andy Andres 26
CMarlowe, Sea Eric Samulski 24
VBrujan, TB Jason Collette 14
RJeffers, Min Joe Sheehan 13
BRortvedt, NYY Jason Collette 12
SHuff, Tex Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 2
MMoore, LAA Eric Samulski 1
GSantos, CWS Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 1
KHigashioka, NYY Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 0

National League

Player Team Bid
BRodgers, Col Erik Halterman 82
KGinkel, Ari Ian Kahn 73
BWisely, SF Steve Gardner 17
ARivas, SD Grey Albright 7
AGomber, Col Phil Hertz 6
GSoriano, Mia Todd Zola 3
ONarvaez, NYM Tristan H. Cockcroft 2
FWall, Atl Steve Gardner 2
JStallings, Mia Wilderman/Prior 1
IVargas, Was Brian Walton 0
JAssad, ChC Brian Walton 0
JRomero, StL Phil Hertz 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
KFinnegan, Was Scott Pianowski 109
KGinkel, Ari Scott Pianowski 81
JQuintana, NYM Garion Thorne 56
CMarlowe, Sea Scott Engel 30
TKemp, Oak Scott Pianowski 22
ERodriguez, Pit Scott Engel 20
WFlores, SF Scott Engel 15
JProfar, Col Scott Pianowski 11
TDArnaud, Atl Kev Mahserejian 11
ABurleson, StL Scott Chu 4
CHernandez, KC Scott Engel 4
PDeJong, StL Jeff Zimmerman 3

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
KGinkel, Ari Ryan Bloomfield 61
WFlores, SF D.J. Short 40
MGrove, LAD Anthony Aniano 25
CSilseth, LAA Rudy Gamble 24
CBethancourt, TB Mike Gianella 14
RGrichuk, Col Dr, Roto 11
LRengifo, LAA Adam Ronis 4
RStripling, SF Seth Trachtman 4
CSanchez, Phi Adam Ronis 4
TanScott, Mia Shelly Verougstraete 3
JRogers, Det Ryan Bloomfield 3
JIrvin, Was Rudy Gamble 2
MMoustakas, LAA Rudy Gamble 1

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
SFrelick, Mil Joe Gallina 42
ERodriguez, Pit Michael Govier 42
AKirilloff, Min Michael Govier 34
EJulien, Min Sky Dombroske 29
MGrove, LAD Michael Govier 24
SMatz, StL Ryan Hallam 23
PCorbin, Was Ariel Cohen 23
WFlores, SF Lauren Auerbach 21
MMoniak, LAA Lauren Auerbach 17
TWilliams, Was Ariel Cohen 14
ABenintendi, CWS Ariel Cohen 14
JBell, Cle Ryan Hallam 14
WBenson, Cin Sky Dombroske 12
JCueto, Mia Lauren Auerbach 11
PPfaadt, Ari Frank Ammirante 6
AAlzolay, ChC Frank Stampfl 6
YGomes, ChC Joe Gallina 3
TAnderson, CWS Frank Stampfl 3
SBrown, Oak Greg Jewett 2
AChapman, Tex Greg Jewett 1

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
GRodriguez, Bal Dylan White 51
SFrelick, Mil Brian Entrekin 22
AKirilloff, Min Brian Entrekin 17
JDuran, Bos Carlos Marcano 9
BMarsh, Phi Carlos Marcano 7
BSinger, KC Carlos Marcano 7
ERodriguez, Pit Brian Entrekin 4
JPayamps, Mil Matt Trussell 0

Tout Daily: Three Golden Tickets Up for Grabs

Tonight marks the return to Tuesday night for Tout Daily as the July 4 slate and the break sent us to Friday the past two contests. It’s fitting that the return will end with three more entries into our championship tourney.

Todd Zola (Mastersball, @toddzola)

Pitcher: Lucas Giolito – Don’t love the Mets lineup for strikeouts, but the innings should be there

Hitter: LaMonte Wade – Fading Coors, picking on Luke Weaver instead, and hoping the Giants don’t amend their usual lineup after the suspended game was finished.

Jeff Boggis (Fantasy Football Empire, @JeffBoggis)

Pitcher: Bailey Ober – Not the most glamorous starting pitcher out there, but Ober is a decent option on a night that lacks any aces. At $9,100, he’s reasonably priced and is sporting at solid 2.61 ERA and 0.97 WHIP on the season.

Hitter: Adley Rutschman – He had me at the home run derby. He’s not cheap at $5,200 tonight, but he’s already had 2 home runs after the all star break. He’s one of those players where it is feast or famine. Let’s hope it’s more of a feast night than famine.

Erik Halterman (Rotowire, @erik_halterman)

Pitcher: Bryan Woo – I want one half of the Ober/Woo matchup and I’m not picky which half. Two interesting pitchers facing two mid-tier offenses at the league’s best pitchers’ park. Woo is cheaper, and his 24.1 K-BB% is seventh-best among starters if you set the minimum to 30 IP, so he gets my vote.

Hitter: Padres Stack – Three stacks stand out: Houston at Coors, Atlanta vs. Zach Davies, and this one, which makes the bet that Alek Manoah’s out-of-nowhere gem in his return to action doesn’t outweigh his awful performances up to that point. This one has the most downside but could be less popular.

Rob Leibowitz (Rotoheaven, @rob_leibowitz)

Pitcher: Tarik Skubal – Skills and velocity up over the small sample in his return. I’ll chance it against the Royals.

Hitter: Giancarlo Stanton – Mashing lefties – hitting over .300 and slugging nearly .800 agaist them. Sandoval as inconsistent lefty looks like a prime target for him.

Tout Wars FAB Report: Week of July 2

Welcome to the weekly FAB report. All of the winning bids are included below. If you want to see the standings, rosters and all the moves, just click on the league header.

American League

Player Team Bid
MManning, Det Rob Leibowitz 77
DSolano, Min Doug Dennis 69
JDiaz, Oak Andy Andres 43
DLynch, KC Eric Samulski 31
OCabrera, NYY Joe Sheehan 16
CHernandez, KC Rick Wolf/Glenn Colton 13
MCabrera, Det Eric Samulski 11
GOtto, Tex Jason Collette 8
BWhite, Det Jeff Erickson 5
CEPerez, Oak Jason Collette 3
TMcKenzie, Cle Patrick Davitt 2
TCabbage, LAA Eric Samulski 1
JMarisnick, Det Jeff Erickson 1

National League

Player Team Bid
KAllard, Atl Rick Graham 139
KWinn, SF Rick Graham 93
JYoung, ChC Ian Kahn 31
DFletcher, Ari Brian Walton 25
PJohnson, Col Peter Kreutzer 23
JIrvin, Was Brian Walton 20
KLewis, Ari Ian Kahn 11
JJimenez, Atl Wilderman/Prior 8
RAdams, Was Grey Albright 2
JTriolo, Pit Tristan H. Cockcroft 2
TMarcano, Pit Erik Halterman 2
ZDavies, Ari Tristan H. Cockcroft 0
DrSmith, NYM Phil Hertz 0
RWalker, SF Derek Carty 0
PBickford, LAD Derek Carty 0

Mixed Salary Cap

Player Team Bid
AWood, SF Nick Pollack 56
NMadrigal, ChC Bret Sayre 47
DFletcher, Ari Scott Engel 14
KAllard, Atl Jeff Zimmerman 12
KWinn, SF Jeff Zimmerman 12
DFletcher, LAA Scott Engel 9
TyAnderson, LAA Kev Mahserejian 9
DLeMahieu, NYY Brent Hershey 8
AIbanez, Det Scott Chu 7
CCarrasco, NYM Scott Engel 6
GCooper, Mia Scott Chu 6
ZRemillard, CWS Scott Pianowski 5
AFrazier, Bal Kev Mahserejian 2
FFermin, KC Kev Mahserejian 1

Mixed Draft

Player Team Bid
CSantana, Pit Anthony Aniano 35
DJameson, Ari Anthony Aniano 5
DPeterson, NYM Tim McLeod 11
NGonzales, Pit Dr, Roto 14
JPayamps, Mil Dr, Roto 15
AWood, SF Mike Gianella 13
BLively, Cin Mike Gianella 5
CRea, Mil Mike Gianella 5
CCarrasco, NYM Ray Murphy 12
TGrisham, SD Ray Murphy 24
GAshcraft, Cin Anthony Aniano 5
ZMcKinstry, Det Shelly Verougstraete 1
HHarris, Oak Rudy Gamble 3

Head to Head

Player Team Bid
DGerman, NYY Ariel Cohen 60
JOutman, LAD Ryan Hallam 58
MSoroka, Atl Sky Dombroske 51
JCandelario, Was Ariel Cohen 33
KAllard, Atl Lauren Auerbach 24
MGarcia, KC Greg Jewett 9
DJameson, Ari Sky Dombroske 8
LOrtiz, Pit Michael Govier 6
PCorbin, Was Michael Govier 4
JBell, Cle Frank Stampfl 3
AGomber, Col Geoff Pontes 2
TKemp, Oak Geoff Pontes 1
BBaty, NYM Frank Ammirante 1
CSantana, Pit Greg Jewett 0
NPivetta, Bos Greg Jewett 0

Mixed with IP & Saves+Holds

Player Team Bid
YDiaz, Hou Jennifer Piacenti 36
MGarcia, KC Chris Clegg 31
GWilliams, Cle Jennifer Piacenti 24
BDrury, LAA Chris Towers 7
DKremer, Bal Brian Entrekin 6
JHicks, StL Dylan White 3
PBailey, SF Brian Entrekin 2
JWiemer, Mil Chris Clegg 1
CWong, Bos Matt Trussell 0