Tout Wars NL Lineup is Set!

With the draft slated for 2 pm on March 28th, the 13 teams of Tout Wars NL are set.

This year’s competition is joined by Larry Schechter, three time Tout Wars Mixed winner, Chris Liss, last year’s Tout Wars Mixed champ, and Mike Gianella, 2009 CBSsports NL AL Experts League champ.

They join last year’s Tout NL winner Brian Walton in battle with two-time champ Scott Wilderman, and TWNL vets Nate Ravitch, Todd Zola, Lenny Melnick, Phil Hertz, Cory Schwartz, Tristan Cockcroft, Peter Kreutzer, and Scott Pianowski.

The Tout NL draft will be live-blogged on

For the NL, the games begin April 5th.