Tout Wars 2015: This Year’s Mixed Draft Lineup

toutwarslogo-newsmallThe 2015 Mixed Draft will take place in early March, date and time to be announced soon. We’re working to coordinate SiriusXM coverage of the draft, if possible.

There is one new rule for the Tout Wars Mixed Leagues. The reserve list will expand from four to six players this year.

This year’s owners, in order of last year’s finish, adjusted for new members Wilton and Gamble. The number in parenthesis is the amount of FAAB each team starts with. Draft order and FAAB budget are based on Tout Wars rules. Draft order will be announced later.

Tim McLeod (100) 2014 Champion
Perry Van Hook (100)
Brent Hershey (100)
Ray Murphy (100)
Adam Ronis (100)
Tom Kessenich (100)
Anthony Perri (100)
Paul Greco (99)
Rick Wilton (100) Returning. Last result was ninth place finish in Tout AL in 2010.
Charlie Wiegert (95)
Paul Sporer (93)
Grey Albright (89)
Eno Sarris (85)
Greg Ambrosius (83)
Rudy Gamble (100) New to Tout Wars.