Who Is Winning Tout Wars, May 7th Edition!

In Tout Wars AL, a familiar face has climbed atop the leaderboard: Larry Schechter! He’s four points ahead of Seth Trachtman.

In Tout Wars NL, Todd Zola is a few points ahead of Andy Behrens.

In TW Mixed Auction, Cory Schwartz has a six-point lead over Bret Sayre.

In TW Mixed Draft, Anthony Perri and Patrick Mayo are deadlocked, just a couple of points ahead of Tim McCullough.

In Tout H2H, Brent Hershey, Jeff Zimmerman and Peter Kreutzer are tied at 15-3, but in this week’s matches Hershey is up 6-0, Kreutzer is 2-4, and Zimmerman is 0-6. Fourth place Michael Beller is up 6-0 right now and would be 16 and 8 if he holds on. There are still two days worth of games to go, so all this could change.