Tout Wars 2015: National League Lineup Is Announced

toutwarslogo-newsmallThe 2015 National League auction will take place on March 22 at 10am in New York City. The location will be announced later this month. The draft will be carried live by SiriusXM radio.

This year’s owners, in order of reserve round pick. The number in parenthesis is the amount of FAAB each team starts with. Reserve order and FAAB budget are based on Tout Wars rules.

Tristan Cockcroft (100) 2012, 2013, 2014 Champion
Steve Gardner (100)
Phil Hertz (100)
Mike Gianella (100)
Derek Carty (100)
Ray Guilfoyle (100) Transfer from Mixed Auction
Lenny Melnick (100)
Todd Zola (93)
Brian Walton (93)
Peter Kreutzer (92)
Scott Wilderman (89)
Gene McCaffrey (86)