TOUT MIXED: The Godfather Goes for it all

Charlie Wiegert writes:

It’s been quite a battle, and just to be in a position to win is remarkable.  I didn’t really think Steve Gardner or I had a chance to catch Andy Behrens a month ago, and I was focused on second.  My team needed a lot of work during the year to keep it in contention, mainly because I came out of the draft short on relief pitching and heavy on stolen bases.

With just this final week to go, I took a look at the standings Sunday night and tried to see where I might be able to pick up a point or two.  The categories where it looked like some movement could happen between the three of us on offense was HR’s, RBI’s and AVG, so I decided to drop a non productive Casey Blake for Yuni Betancourt.  After Blake’s two home runs yesterday, that might not have been a smart move!  I need 6 HR’s to pick up a point, and I’ve fallen 17 RBI’s back, so I doubt anything will change there.  Batting Average is a real deadlock.  Going into today, I’m tied with Doug Dennis at .2742 and Gardner is at .2741, so that one point I need could come if my guys can hit .310 for the week.

Pitching has been an effort all year long, and I’ve been chasing saves for months. After picking up Heath Bell and Matt Lindstrom in trades July 5th I started making up some ground.  Storen helped a little, Parnell was a bust, but Rodney got me a few, and then Coke got me a couple. I was playing 6 RP’s for 3 weeks, but holding my own in wins and strike outs.  So going into this last week I had 62 saves, 2 ahead of Minnix and 5 behind Kastner.  I thought playing just Bell, Franklin and Storen I could stay ahead of Minnix (who has Wagner and Axford), and I couldn’t catch Kastner.  So I loaded up on starters and to try to catch Gardner in wins, who I was two behind. I played Lannan and Slowey for two starts, Daniel Hudson, who has been hot, Lester, Kershaw and Liriano.  Tim Hudson, who had been getting rocked and was losing a day of rest, scared me, so I left him on the bench.

What a dumb job of managing that turned out to be, as Slowey gave up 6 runs in less than two innings, and single handidly lost me two points in ERA and one in WHIP with the performance.  I’d be in first right now if I went with Hudson instead of Slowey, although I’m sure everyone could say if I did this instead of that, they’d be in first.  And it looks like Kershaw is done for the year, missing his final start.

So I need great performances out of Lester, Liriano and Daniel Hudson, Slowey to rebound with his last start, and Lannan to finish strong to have a shot.  Looks like Sunday will be a big day for me!

TOUT MIXED MANIA: Andy Behrens Fires His Team’s Training Staff

Andy writes:

If losing a late-September FAAB bid on Nick Blackburn is a heartbreaking event, then you know you’re in a tight pennant race. That’s the sort of ridiculously tight finish we’re facing in Tout Mixed. When you get seven great innings out of Tim Stauffer and can’t get a W, perhaps it’s not your year. This is true for the Padres, and it’s true for Team Behrens.

Honestly, even though my team has basically hemorrhaged points over the past three weeks, I’m reasonably content with the way I’ve navigated the season. I’ve certainly had a few misfires on free agents — didn’t go high enough on Scherzer, bid a million dollars on Smoak — but I’ve had success stories, too. I suppose I could have worked harder to deal Brian Wilson or Carlos Marmol — or been willing to settle for less in return — because I’ll win Saves by too wide a margin. Still, I had a successful auction, I’ve been competitive in all categories, and my team has piled up at-bats. (It’s no coincidence that the three teams battling atop the standings are 1-2-3 in ABs). If I fail to win the league, it won’t be due to managerial negligence, and I’ll no doubt have been beaten by a very good fantasy owner. No shame in finishing behind Charlie or Steve.

There are certain things that simply fall beyond a manager’s control — like, say, losing Hanley Ramirez and Johan Santana when you need them most. Or losing Chase Utley and Jose Reyes for long stretches. Or losing Kevin Youkilis for the year. Or … well, you get it. I’m disgusted with my team’s training staff. None of them will be returning to the ballclub next year. NONE. We’ve had a complete purge. We’re going to change the entire off-season conditioning program. More core strengthening, less winter ball.

Best of luck to my leaguemates, and congrats on a fine year.

STEVE GARDNER: The Sprint in Tout Mixed

USA Today’s Steve Gardner is in a three-way race for first in Tout Mixed, with Charlie Wiegert and Andy Behrens. Yesterday he posted about it in his blog:

Down to the wire in Tout Wars

The final week of the regular season is finally here. For fantasy owners, it’s a good thing that several teams are still fighting for playoff berths because it means there will be fewer key players sitting on the bench and more fantasy league titles settled on the field.

The Tout Wars mixed league looks like it won’t be decided until the final day — with the top three teams separated by just 1.5 points with one week to go.

Andy Behrens
14 13.5 11 14 15 11.5 15 12 7 7 120
Charlie Wiegert
15 10 12 15 11 14 7 10 12 14 120
Steve Gardner
11 8 15 12.5 12 15 2 14 14 15 118.5

It’s been a great season for all three of us, with Andy Behrens jumping out to a huge lead and holding it for most of the season until injuries began to take their toll.

Unfortunately for me, I’ve pretty much maxed out my points in each category, with the possible exception of a half point in steals. If I’m going to win, I’m going to have to depend on some of the other teams to overtake Andy and Charlie Wiegert in a couple categories.

To read the rest of his story, click here.

Tout NL: Walton Not So Chipper

Brian Walton broke out to a big lead in Tout NL this summer, but recently dropped into third place, well behind leader Nate Ravitz. He writes here about his season, so far, and notes that Chipper Jones’ injury and K-Rod’s meltdown haven’t helped.

Tout Mixed: Steve Gardner Makes a Race of It

Or maybe you could blame Andy Behren’s bad luck with Kevin Youkilis. In any case, there is a race for first.

In this week’s Fantasy Insider column writes about how he’s shaped his Tout Mixed team, and also takes a look at his other teams and the different ways their fortunes have been shaped by his moves and Lady Luck. Most readers will see their teams in one of his scenarios.